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The day a woman can walk freely at midnight on the roads, that day we can say that India achieved independence.

- Mahatma Gandhi

The brutal attacks on girls and women — often children have put India on the world map as the most notorious country for unsafe living. This is not the society we want to live and thrive.

The recent spate of incidents shackled me so profoundly that I am unable to come to terms. I consulted a few experts over the week on the most annoying issue. As a citizen of India, I have to do something significant to transform society and come up with a technology that can prevent these gruesome incidents in the future.

I am currently dabbling with a few ideas and open to receive more crowdsourced ideas. Please write to me at

The project's name is Agneepath. Let's build India as the Experience Nation, where people take great pride in living their best lives.


Here's a little about what we're up to.

Nullam quis arcu a elit feugiat congue nec non orci. Pellentesque feugiat bibendum placerat. Nullam eu massa in ipsum varius laoreet. Ut tristique pretium egestas. Sed sed velit dolor. Nam rhoncus euismod lorem, id placerat ipsum placerat nec. Mauris ut eros a ligula tristique lacinia non blandit metus. Sed vitae velit lorem, et scelerisque diam.

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New York, NY 12345